World H&N Cancer Day: Report

World Head and Neck Cancer Day celebrated at Apla Ghar Foundation in association with Tata Memorial Hospital ( ACTREC) ,India

Pune, India | 27 Jul 2023 to 27 Jul 2023

Name of Host : Dr. Abhishek Deshpande and Dr. Amira Kothavade : Apla Ghar Foundation in association with Tata Memorial Hospital ( ACTREC)

Name of Institution : Apla Ghar Foundation, Pune

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Brief Summary :

In conjunction with World Head and Neck Cancer Day on 27th July 2023, Dr. Abhishek Deshpande and  Dr. Amira Kothavade :Apla Ghar Foundation in association with Tata Memorial Hospital ( ACTREC), Mumbai organized an event to create awareness, conduct screening of potential cancer patients and recognize the impact of tobacco consumption on their lives. With blessings from ACTREC and Mr. Vijay Phalnikar, Founder: Apla Ghar, this event was graced by Dr. Mukund Kothavade: President:Ekdanta Trust for Cancer research, education and patient care,healthcare providers  and the public. We celebrated our cancer survivors, who attended this event to share their experiences, give encouragement  and positivity to attendees. There was a series of informative talks by distinguished speakers including the head and neck surgeon, oral and maxillofacial prosthodontist and social workers. The aim was to create awareness and educate the public and healthcare providers. There was a display of posters detailing the risk factors, signs and symptoms of head and neck cancers. Examination and screening was done utilizing VELSCOPE diagnostic aid and biopsies were conducted wherever necessary. Early detection is key in treatment survival. We hope this campaign will help to spread the word. #WorldHeadNeckCancerDay



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