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Global Partnership in Head & Neck Cancer

IFHNOS is a global organization established through cooperation of national and regional Societies and Organizations in the Specialty of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology with membership from national and regional multidisciplinary organizations, representing 70 countries. The purpose of the Federation is to provide a common platform for Specialists in the field of Head and Neck Cancer to interact in professional matters of mutual interest.

Head and Neck Cancer Summit

January 16th to 18th 2025 | Dubai World Trade Centre

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IFHNOS Officers and Council

Contributions / Donations

The IFHNOS is a not for profit tax exempt organization in the State of New York in USA. Any and all contributions / donations made to IFHNOS are thus considered charitable donations to support education and research and are tax deductible.

Member Countries

Address: IFHNOS, Room C-1067, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY. 10065. Tel.: + 1 212 717 3302

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