Dr. Jatin P. Shah, of New York, conceived the establishment of an international body bringing together all specialists involved in the care of patients with Head and Neck Cancer. He presented this thought to the Executive Council of the Society of Head and Neck Surgeons, (SHNS) at its Retreat in Princeton, NJ, USA, in the summer of 1985. The proposal was enthusiastically received by the SHNS, and he was encouraged to proceed. By August of 1986, leaders of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies worldwide were contacted to explore the feasibility of establishment of an International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies with the purpose of “establishing channels of communication to enhance exchange of information and improving knowledge as well as exploring new directions in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with head and neck cancer”. This proposal was enthusiastically received by leaders in the field from various parts of the world, culminating in the formation of a steering committee which met on May 1, 1987, at the Grosvenor House, in London. Representatives of sixteen Head and Neck Organizations from North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia were present. The steering committee drafted the constitution and bylaws of the Federation which was subsequently ratified by the Governing Council which consisted of one member from each member organization in the Federation. Dr. Jatin Shah was elected Secretary General by unanimous vote of the Governing Council.

    Initial programs of the Federation consisted of expanding the membership of the Federation with compilation of a newsletter, development of an international directory of members of component member societies and organization of World Congresses. Over the years the Federation has grown with a membership of 70 Head and Neck oncologic organizations, representing 58 countries, from every part of the world. Annual Newsletters were published initially, and these were eventually transitioned into an active and current Web site. (www.ifhnos.net). The Federation is able to reach over 40,000 specialists, located in nearly every corner of the world, providing care to patients with head and neck cancer through membership of its component societies. The Federation has successfully attained its initial goal and mission of establishing channels of communication to foster camaraderie amongst professionals involved in the care of patients with head and neck cancer.

    World Congress

    1. Quadrennial World Congresses of the Federation have been held since 1998, starting with the first World Congress in Mumbai, India in December 1997 under the leadership of Dr. Ashok Mehta.
    2. The second World Congress was held in December 2002 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil under the leadership of Dr. Geraldo Matos D’Sa.
    3. The third World Congress was held in Prague, Czech Republic in June 2006 with Dr. Jan Betka as Congress President.
    4. The fourth World Congress was held in Seoul, Korea with Dr. Kwang Hyun Kim serving as President.
    5. The fifth World Congress celebrating the Centennial of the Head and Neck Program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center was held in New York in July of 2014 with a record breaking attendance of over 3,200 attendees..
    6. Future congresses of the IFHNOS are planned for Buenos Aires in 2018, and Rome in 2022.

    World Tour / Summits

    An innovative Global Continuing Medical Education program, “The IFHNOS World Tour”, was introduced in 2008, offering a two and half day conference conducted by World leaders in the Head and Neck specialties, over 4-5 weeks. This program has been offered in 34 locations around the world, including London, Barcelona, Rome, Athens, Warsaw, Moscow, Mumbai, Beijing, Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Bogota, St. Petersburg, Frankfurt, Antalya, Bangalore , Manila, Shanghai, Mexico City, Kiev, Amsterdam, Cairo, Ahmedabad, Guangzhou, Jakarta, Brisbane, Sao Paulo, Moscow, Prague, Riyadh, Delhi, Seoul, Hong Kong, Auckland, Rio de Janeiro, Sharm El Sheikh, Sydney, Kaohsiung, Santiago, Birmingham, Kolkata, Milan, Chennai, Nur-Sultan, Leuven.

    Fellowship / Training Programs

    A new program of the Federation, "Global On Line Fellowship" was introduced in 2014 with the goal of standardization of training of specialists in the field of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology. This very successful program currently has over 300 candidates from 48 countries, pursuing the Fellowship. It is anticipated that the graduates of this fellowship program will be Head and Neck surgeons with an improved knowledge base, judgment, and a systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment for their patients.

    Masters of Head & Neck Surgery

    The practice of “Good Head and Neck Surgery” is at a variance in many parts of the world. Standardization of good surgical technique throughout the world, adhering to the principles of Surgical Oncology is crucial. With that focus, IFHNOS introduced a New Program of, “Master Courses in Operative Techniques in the Head and Neck Surgery” in 2019. These hands-on courses with Live surgery, cadaver dissections, and didactic presentations, with sequential operative steps and videos, of proper operative techniques will be given by Global experts - Master Surgeons - in a 3-day program in any part of the world. The focus of this program would be on proper oncologic, safe and clean surgical techniques, their indications, pearls and pitfalls, and complications etc.

    Well-known leaders and Professors of Head and Neck Surgery from around the world, have volunteered to participate in this program.

    International Visiting Scholar Program

    The IFHNOS is proud and pleased to announce the establishment of their International Observership Program. This program will offer an observership grant in the amount of US $5,000 to selected candidates who will have the opportunity to travel to one of the centers of excellence in North America listed below and spend one to two months observing clinical activities and/or research activities to further strengthen their clinical competence and research productivity. The selected candidates will have an opportunity to observe in a tertiary care head and neck cancer center of excellence where they will have an opportunity to participate in educational activities of the institution as well as observe in the operating room. The International Observership Program is available to any candidate who has met the requirements for this travel grant and has been selected by the Program Committee.

    World Head and Neck Cancer Week

    During the 5th World Congress of IFHNOS in 2014 in New York a proposal was made by Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi of India to declare July 27th as the World Head and Neck Cancer Day. This was unanimously approved by all in attendance and endorsed by the chief guest, Michael Douglas. Since then, Head and Neck Cancer Day has been observed around the world on July 27th. Due to logistic reasons, IFHNOS has recommended that any day during the week of July 27th be observed as the Head and Neck Cancer Day and offer/conduct its activities as recommended.

    • 0
      Jatin Shah (USA)

      1996 - 2006

    • 0
      Jean Louis LeFebvre (France)

      2006 - 2010

    • 0
      William Wei (Hong Kong)

      2010 - 2014

    • Dr. Ashok Shaha
      Ashok Shaha (USA)

      2014 – 2018

    • Dr. Claudio Roberto Cernea
      Claudio Roberto Cernea (Brasil)

      2018 – 2023

    • Dr. Claudio Roberto Cernea
      Pankaj Chaturvedi (India)

      2023 – 2026

  • Executive Committee

    Founder & CEO
    • 0
      Jatin P. Shah

      MSK, 1275 York Avenue
      New York NY 10065
      Phone: 212 639 7233
      Fax: 212 717 3302
      Email: shahj@mskcc.org
      Head and Neck Service,
      Memorial Sloan-Kettering
      Cancer Center

    OFFICERS 2023 - 2026

    • 0
      Pankaj Chaturvedi

      Professor, Head and
      Neck Surgeon
      Tata Memorial Hospital,
      Parel, Mumbai INDIA
      Phone: +91 22 24177189
      Fax: +91 22 2414 6937
      Email: chaturvedi.pankaj@gmail.com
      Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India

    Secretary General
    • 0
      Ehab Hanna

      MD, FACS
      Professor and Vice Chairman
      Director of Skull Base Surgery
      Department of Head and Neck Surgery
      Medical Director Head and Neck Center
      University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
      1400 Pressler Street Houston, TX 77030 Office: (713) 745-1815
      Clinic: (713) 792-6525
      Fax: (713) 794) 4662
      Email: eyhanna@mdanderson.org

    • 0
      Sandro V. Porceddu

      Director of Radiation Oncology
      Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
      Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, University of Melbourne
      Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland
      Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA

    Joint Treasurer
    • 0
      Babak Givi

      MD, MHPE, FACS
      Associate Attending
      Head & Neck Surgery Service
      Department of Surgery
      Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
      1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10065
      Phone: 212 639 8136
      Email: givib@mskcc.org
      Web: www.mskcc.org

    Chair of the Council
    • 0
      Claudio Roberto Cernea

      Avenida Dr. Arnaldo,
      455 Cerqueira César 01246903 - Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil
      Phone: 30696425
      Email: cerneamd@uol.com
      Hospital/ Organization
      Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina da
      Universidade de
      São Paulo, Departamento de Cirurgia

    • 0
      Ashok R. Shaha

      MSK, 1275 York Avenue
      New York NY 10065
      Phone: 212 639 7649
      Fax: 212 717 3302
      Email: shahaa@mskcc.org
      Head and Neck Service,
      Memorial Sloan-Kettering
      Cancer Center


    • 0
      Danny Enepekides

    • 0
      Greg Farwell

    • 0
      Gopal Iyer

    • 0
      Johann Kluge
      South Africa

    • 0
      Hisham Mehanna

    • 0
      Mario Milkov

    • 0
      Pablo Montero

    • 0
      Cesare Piazza

    • 0
      Vincent Van der Poorten

    • 0
      Barbara Wollenberg

    • 0
      Seiichi Yoshimoto

    • 0
      Yi Ming Zhu

  • Governing Council

    Dr. Jorge A. Ciechomski

    Christopher Perry

    Prof. Julia Maclean

    Belayant Hossain Siddiquee

    Ihor Belatsarkouski

    Guy Andry

    Prof. Clement

    Antonio J. Goncalves

    Aline Lauda Freitas Chaves

    Dr. Frederick K. Kozak

    Dr. Arturo Madrid M.

    Dr. Ming Gao

    Gabriel Sanchez

    Josias H. Juanta

    Drago Prgomet

    Jan Betka

    Christian Godballe

    Ossama Hamid

    Mahmoud Bassiouny

    Ken Byrd

    Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Wollenberg

    Athanassios Argiris

    Prof. Laszlo rovo

    Sonar Soni Panigoro

    Dr. Kaustubh Patel

    Mr. N. Patil

    Aharon Popovtser

    Piero Nicolai

    Ettore Cassandro

    Ken-ichi Nibu

    Galim B. Adilbaev

    Choi Eun Chang

    Dr. Kong Min Han

    Dr. Samuel Rivera Rivera

    Martin Grandos Garcia

    Gheorghe Tsibirna

    Prof. Gheorghe Țîbîrnă

    G. Purevdorj

    Prof. Dr. M. A. W. Merkx

    Patrick Dawes

    Dr. Wahid Ali Al Kharusi

    Arif Jamshed

    Dr. Pavel Pino Godoy

    Dr. Agnes T. Remulla

    Rodney B. Dofitas

    Wojciech Golusiński

    Ana Castro

    Igor Reshetov

    Adj Asst Prof Lee Tee Sin

    Prof. Chris Joseph

    Jose Luis López-Cedrún Cembranos

    Pr Gerhard F. Huber

    Pen-Yuan Chu

    Dr. Pornake Apipan

    Mustafa Cengiz

    Prof. Hisham Mehanna

    Ehab Hanna

    Dmitro Zabolotniy

    Dr. Hussain Mohammad Alrand

    Dr. Jose Francisco Mata


    Name Email City Society Affiliation
    Danny Enepekides Danny.Enepekides@sunnybrook.ca Toronto Canadian Society of Oto-HN Surgery
    Ian Witterick ian.witterick@sinaihealth.ca Toronto Canadian Society of Oto-HN Surgery
    Ehab Hanna eyhanna@mdanderson.org Houston IFHNOS
    Jatin Shah shahj@mskcc.org New York IFHNOS
    Sandro Porceddu Sandro.porceddu@petermac.org Melborne ANZHNCS
    Jatin Shah shahj@mskcc.org New York IFHNOS
    Ehab Hanna eyhanna@mdanderson.org Houston IFHNOS
    Jatin Shah shahj@mskcc.org New York IFHNOS
    Ehab Hanna eyhanna@mdanderson.org Houston IFHNOS
    Pankaj Chaturvedi chaturvedi.pankaj@gmail.com Mumbai IFHNOS
    Claudio Cernea cerneamd@uol.com.br Sao Pablo Brazilian Head and Neck Society
    Jatin Shah shahj@mskcc.org New York IFHNOS
    Ehab Hanna eyhanna@mdanderson.org Houston IFHNOS
    Patrick Sheahan sheahan.patrick@gmail.com Cork Irish Head and Neck Society
    James Paul O'Neill joneill@rcsi.ie Dublin Irish Head and Neck Society
    Hussain Mohammad Alrand hussain.alrand@moh.gov.ae Dubai  
    Mohammad Al Falasi mfelasi@hotmail.com Dubai  
    Giuseppe Spriano giuseppe.spriano@hunimed.eu Milan Italian Head and Neck Society
    Alok Thakar drathakar@gmail.com Delhi FHNO
    Kyung Tae kytae@hanyang.ac.kr Seoul Korean Head and Neck Society
    Mohammad Razif razif72@gmail.com Kuala Lumpur Asian Society of Head and Neck Oncology
    Barbara Wollenberg Barbara.Wollenberg@TUM.de Munich German Society of Oto HN Surgery
    Sefik Hosal shosal@ada.net.tr Ankara Turkish Society of Oto HN Surgery
    Dan Fliss danfliss1@gmail.com Tel Aviv Israeli Society of Oto HN Surgery
    Rogerio Dedivitis dedivitis.hns@uol.com.br Sao Pablo Brazilian Head and Neck Society
    Robbie Woods woodsr@tcd.ie Dublin Irish Head and Neck Society
    Paul O'Neill joneill@rcsi.ie Dublin Irish Head and Neck Society
    Gouri Pantvaidya docgouri@gmail.com Mumbai FHNO
    Christina Valero Mayor valerocvm@gmail.com Barcelona Spanish Society of Oto HN Surgery
    Piero Nicolai pieronicolai@icloud.com
    Padua Italian Society of Head and Neck Surgery
    Luiz Kowalski lp_kowalski@uol.com.br Sao Pablo Brazilian Head and Neck Society
    Wojciech Golusinski wgolus@ump.edu.pl Poznan Polish Head and Neck Society
    Andreas Dietz Andreas.Dietz@medizin.uni-leipzig.de Essen German Head and Neck Society
    Vincent Vander Poorten vincent.vanderpoorten@uzleuven.be Brussels Belgian Head and Neck Society
    Ian Witterick ian.witterick@sinaihealth.ca Toronto Canadian Society of Oto-HN Surgery
    Jonathan Clark Jonathan.Clark@lh.org.au Sydney ANZHNCS
    Ken Ichi Nibu nibu@med.kobe-u.ac.jp Kobe Japan Society of Oto HN Surgery
    Paolo Bossi paolo.bossi@hunimed.eu Milan Italian Head and Neck Society
    Dushyant Mandlik d.mandlik@yahoo.com Ahmedabad FHNO
    Raymond Tsang raytsang@nus.edu.sg Singapore Singapore Head and Neck Society
    Conal Fitzgerald conallfitzgerald@gmail.com Dublin Irish Head and Neck Society
    Yi Ming Zhu zympku@outlook.com Beijing Chinese ENT Head and Neck Society
    Richard Wong wongr@mskcc.org New York AHNS
    Vikram Kekatpure kvikram2000@gmail.com Kolkata FHNO
    Dauren Adilbay dr.dauren@gmail.com Shreveport Kazakstan Head and Neck Society
    Seiichi Yoshimoto seyoshim@ncc.go.jp Toyko Japan Society of Oto HN Surgery
    Se Heon Kim SHKIMMD@YUHS.AC Seoul Korean Society of Head and Neck Surgery
    Apurva Garg drapurvagarg@gmail.com Indore FHNO
    Jeannette Matsuo jeannette_matsuo@yahoo.com Manila Philiipine Society of Head and Neck Surgery
    Tetsuya Ogawa ogawate@aichi-med-u.ac.jp Aichi Japan Society of Oto HN Surgery
    Marlinda Adham marlinda.adham@yahoo.com Jakarta Indonesian Society of Head and Neck Surgery
    Suren Krishnan krishnan.suren@gmail.com Adelaide ANZHNCS
    Johann Kluge johann@drjkluge.co.za Johanesburg SASHNO
    Arjun Singh arjun193@gmail.com Mumbai FHNO
    Orsolya Zambo orsolya.zambo@gmail.com Budapest Hungarian Society of Head and Neck Surgery
    Hishan Mehanna h.mehanna@bham.ac.uk Birmingham BAHNO
    Snehal Patel patels@mskcc.org New York AHNS
    Ardalan Ebrahimi ardalan@canberraheadandneck.com.au Canberra ANZHNCS
    Greg Farwell Greg.farwell@pennmedicine.upenn.edu Philadelphia AHNS
    William Wei williamwei@hksh.com Hong Kong Hong Kong Head and Neck Society
    Brian O'Sullivan brian.osullivan@rmp.uhn.ca Toronto Canadian Society of Oto HNS
    Lisa Licitra lisa.licitra@istitutotumori.mi.it Milan Italian Head and Neck Society
    Randall Weber rsweber@mdanderson.org Austin ANHS
    Miyauchi Akira miyauchi@kuma-h.or.jp Kobe Japan Society of Endocrine Surgery
    Vincent Gregoire vincent.gregoire@lyon.unicancer.fr Lyon EORTC
    Ann Lee annelee@hku-szh.org Shenzhen Hong Kong HN Society
    Patrick Gullane patrick.gullane@uhn.ca Toronto Canadian Head and Neck Society
    Jan Vermorken jan.b.vermorken@uza.be Brussels Belgian Head and Neck Society
    Ashok Shaha shahaa@mskcc.org New York IFHNOS
    Renee Leemans chr.leemans@vumc.nl Amsterdam Dutch Head and Neck Society
    Cesare Piazza ceceplaza@libero.it Brescia Italian Head and Neck Society
    Pablo Montero phmontero@gmail.com    
    Ehab Hanna eyhanna@mdanderson.org Houston IFHNOS
    Ashok Shaha shahaa@mskcc.org New York IFHNOS
    Claudio Cernea cerneamd@uol.com.br cerneamd@uol.com.br Brazilian Head and Neck Society
    Marcelo Figari mfigari@yahoo.com Buenos Aires Argentinian Head and Neck Society
  • NEWS

    Report on 4th IFHNOS World Congress, Seoul: June, 2010
    The 4th World Congress for IFHNOS was held in Seoul, 15-18 June 2010, and was a resounding success. The meeting was well attended and superbly organized. The program was simply outstanding. Pictures and a report of the meeting are available.

    5th IFHNOS World Congress
    The 5th World Congress of IFHNOS was held in New York 26-30 July 2015, jointly with the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) and coincided with the Centenary of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

    2012 IFHNOS World Tour Amsterdam
    The AMSTERDAM leg of the 2012 World Tour was held on 4-6 October 2012, in conjunction with The Netherlands Cancer Institute.

    In loving memory of Kie Kian Ang, MD, PhD
    June 19, 2013

    IFHNOS Sponsored Symposium
    May 18, 2013

    IFHNOS Council Meeting
    May 15, 2013

    IFHNOS World Tour Faculty Dinner
    May 16, 2013

    IFHNOS Council Meeting
    July 26, 2014

    IFHNOS Exhibit during 9th AHNS International Conference in Seattle
    July 16-20, 2016, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, WA

    10° AIOCC-IHNS National Meeting
    March 13-14, 2024
    Another successful event presented by IFHNOS


    Upcoming Events Past Events

    0 11th European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology Date: March 26 - 29, 2025 Venue: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    View More

    0 Update in Head and Neck Cancer: 2025 Date: April 11-12, 2025 Venue: Mass Eye and Ear, 243 Charles Street, Boston, MA
    View More

    0 WCTC 2025: World Congress on Thyroid Cancer

    Date: July 9-12, 2025 Venue: Boston, UAS
    View More

    0 MASTERS OF HEAD AND NECK ONCOLOGY Date: Aug 27 - 31, 2025 Venue: Cape Town, South Africa
    View More

    0 Date: September 3 - 5, 2025 Venue: Grand Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Korea
    View More

    0 Date: November 13-16, 2025 Venue: Istanbul University Ord. Prof. Dr. Cemil Bilsel Conference Hall
    View More

    0 Date: Friday 29 to Sunday 31 August 2025 Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia
    View More


    Head & Neck

    The International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies has an official journal “Head and Neck”, published by Wiley InterScience. This is the only, peer reviewed International leading journal, which exclusively publishes articles in “the sciences and specialties of the head and neck”. The journal enjoys a high impact factor. The Editorial Board of the journal is composed of leaders in the specialty of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology, from the United States and from all parts of the world in it’s International Editorial Board. The IFHNOS has two representatives on the editorial board of the journal. News and activities of the IFHNOS are regularly published in each issue of the journal. Previously published articles in “Head and Neck” are available online here.

    Editorial Board

    Ehab Y. Hanna, MD
    The University of Texas
    M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
    Houston, Texas

    Mariann Crapanzano
    The University of Texas
    M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
    Houston, Texas


    Athanassios Argiris, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Robert L. Ferris, MD, PhD
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Neal D. Futran, MD
    Seattle, Washington

    Adam Garden, MD
    Houston, Texas

    Lawrence E. Ginsberg, MD
    Houston, Texas

    Dennis H. Kraus, MD
    New York, New York

    Stephen Y. Lai, MD PhD
    Houston, Texas

    William M. Mendenhall, MD
    Gainesville, Florida

    Eben L. Rosenthal, MD
    Birmingham, Alabama

    Allan C. Sherman, PhD
    Houston, Texas

    Rusell B.. Smith, MD
    Omaha, Nebraska

    Erich M. Sturgis, MD, MPH
    Houston, Texas

    David Terris, MD
    Augusta, Georiga

    Mark K. Wax, MD
    Portland, Oregon

    Peirong Yu, MD
    Houston, Texas


    Claudio Cernea, MD
    São Paulo, Brazil

    Hisham Mehanna. BMedSc
    (Hons), MBChB (Hons),
    Coventry, England

    William I. Wei, MD
    Hong Kong, China


    Claudio Cernea, MD
    Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Pankaj Chaturvedi, MD
    Mumbai, India


    Abstracts Editor
    Lanny Garth Close, MD
    New York, New York

    Basic Science Reviews Editor
    Jeffrey N. Myers, MD, PhD
    Houston, Texas

    Clinical Reviews Editor
    David W. Eisele, MD
    San Francisco, California

    Case Reports Editors
    Peter Andersen, MD
    Portland, Oregan
    Amy Chen, MD
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Jonathan Irish, MD, FRCSC
    Toronto, Canada

    Book Reviews Editor
    Karen T. Pitman, MD
    Jackson, Mississippi

    Controversy Editor
    Pierre Lavertu, MD
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Clinical Trials Update Editor
    Marshall R. Posner, MD
    Boston, Massachusetts

    Cooperative Groups Update Editor
    J. Andrew Ridge, MD
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Operative Techniques Editor
    F. Christopher Holsinger, MD
    Houston, Texas


    Jonathan J. Beitler, MD, MBA
    Atlanta, Georgia

    Carol R. Bradford, MD
    Ann Arbor, Michigan

    Brian Burkey, MD
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Ricardo L. Carrau, MD
    Columbus, Ohio

    Bruce H. Campbell, MD
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    Mark S. Chambers, DMD, MS
    Houston, Texas

    Gary L. Clayman, DMD, MD
    Houston, Texas

    Terry Day, MD
    Charleston, South Carolina

    Franco DeMonte, MD, FRCS(C), FACS
    Houston, Texas

    Daniel Deschler, MD
    Boston, Massachusetts

    Adel K. El-Naggar, MD, PhD
    Houston, Texas

    Franco DeMonte, MD, FRCS(C),FACS
    Houston, Texas

    Maura L. Gillison, MD
    Baltimore, Maryland

    Patrick Ha, MD
    Baltimore, Maryland

    Gady Har-El, MD
    New York, New York

    Jonas T. Johnson, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Merrill S. Kies, MD
    Houston, Texas

    Seungwon Kim, PhD
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Jan S. Lewin, PhD
    Houston, Texas

    Scott Lippman, PhD
    Houston, Texas

    Virginia A. LiVolsi, MD
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Laurie Loevner, MD
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Thom Loree, MD
    Buffalo, New York

    Mitchell Machtay, MD
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Jesus E. Medina, MD
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

    Brian A. Moore, MD
    New Orleans, Louisiana

    Eugene N. Myers, MD
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Kepal Patel, MD
    New York, New York

    Snehal Patel, MD, FRCS
    New York, New York

    Guy Petruzzelli, MD, PhD, MBA, FACS
    Chicago, Illinois

    Kristen B. Pytynia, MD, MPH
    Chicago, Illinois

    David Raben, MD
    Denver, Colorado

    Gregory W. Randolph, MD
    Boston, Massachusetts

    James Rocco, MD
    Boston, Massachusetts

    David Rosenthal, MD
    Houston, Texas

    Jatin P. Shah, MD, MS
    New York, New York

    Ashok R. Shaha, MD
    New York, New York

    Dong Moon Shin, MD
    Atlanta, Georgia

    Maisie Shindo, MD
    Stony Brook, New York

    Alfred A. Simental, MD
    Loma Linda, California

    Brendan C. Stack, Jr., MD
    Little Rock, Arkansas

    Kerstin Stenson, MD
    Chicago, Illinois

    James Y. Suen, MD
    Little Rock, Arkansas

    Ralph P. Tufano, MD
    Baltimore, Maryland

    Emre Vural, MD
    Little Rock, Arkansas

    Carter Van Waes, MD, PhD
    Bethesda, Maryland

    Randal S. Weber, MD
    Houston, Texas

    Gregory Weinstein, MD
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Jane Weissman, MD
    Portland, Oregon

    Wendell Yarbrough, MD
    Nashville, Tennessee


    Petra Ambrosch, MD
    Kiel, Germany

    Jacques Bernier, MD, PhD
    Genolier, Switzerland

    Patrick J. Bradley, FRCS, MBA
    Nottingham, England

    June Corry, MD
    Victoria, Australia

    Anil K. D'Cruz, MD
    Mumbia, India

    Hector de la Garza Hesles, MD
    Mexico City, Mexico

    Patrick J. Gullane, MD, FRCS, FACS
    Toronto, Canada

    Raphael Feinemesser, MD
    Peta Tiqva, Israel

    Dan M. Fliss, MD
    Tel Aviv, Israel

    Jeremy L. Freeman, MD, FRCSC
    Toronto, Canada

    Ralph W. Gilbert, MD
    Toronto, Canada

    Luis P. Kowalski, MD, PhD
    Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Ollivier Laccourreye, MD
    Paris, France

    C. René Leemans, MD
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Jean-Louis Lefebvre, MD
    Lille, France

    Valerie Lund, MS, FRCS, FRCSEd
    London, England

    Randall P. Morton, FRACS
    Auckland, New Zealand

    Piero Nicolai, MD
    Brescia, Italy

    Benedict Panizza, MBA, FRACS
    Brisbane, Australia

    Alexander Rapidis, DDS, MD, PhD
    Athens, Greece


    • Payments for Membership to IFHNOS, by National or Regional organizations, who are members of IFHNOS can be made, Annually ($ 100), for a membership, by any of the following methods.
    • Payments of fees for the "Global On Line Fellowship", can also be made by any of the following methods.
      • 1. Payment by Credit Card
        Payments can be made by credit Card: Master Card, Visa, American Express or Discover through


      • 2. Payment by Wire Transfer

        Please contact info@ifhnos.net for instructions.

      • 3. Payment by Cheque

        A bank cheque made out in US Dollars to "IFHNOS", and mailed to the IFHNOS office at :
        IFHNOS, C/O, Dr. Jatin Shah, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY. 10065. USA


        IFHNOS is a charitable not for profit society registered in NY and is exempt from Income Tax in USA.


    At its recent meeting during the 7th World Congress in Rome, June 21,2023 the Executive Committee approved the establishment of 4 orders of merit on an annual basis to identify and honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the field during their career.

    The categories are as follows:

    • 1. Head and Neck Surgery
    • 2. Radiation Oncology
    • 3. Medical Oncology
    • 4. Public Health, Education, Basic Research, Rehabilitation pertaining to head and neck cancers

    These individuals will receive an order of merit plaque from IFHNOS identifying their contributions and recognizing their leadership in the particular area of interest. The announcement will be made on the World Head and Neck Cancer Day, July 27th of each year. In addition, these names will be recorded on the IFHNOS website and publicized by mass e-mails.

    PROCESS: All nominations are to be forwarded by President or Secretary of the member societies for consideration of the order of merit award. The prescribed form is given below.

    TIMELINE: The submission of such recommendations is open until March 31st of each calendar year.

    CONTACT: Please send the filled form to Dr. Vincent Gregoire at vincent.gregoire@lyon.unicancer.fr

    SCREENING COMMITTEE: The screening committee for the Order of Merit Award in surgical innovation, radiation oncology, medical oncology, education, research and public service are Vincent Gregoire, Ann Lee, Patrick Gullane and Jan Vermorken.

    Download Nomination Form



    Luiz P. Kowalski

    • Professor and Chairman of Head and Neck Surgery, University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    • Head of the Reference Center on Head and Neck Tumors, A C Camargo Cancer Center, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    • Vice-Chair of Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group; and one of the Directors and President of the Surgical Affairs Committee of the Latin American Thyroid Society
    • Training of graduate students, residents, fellows and postgraduate students (MSc, PhD and Postdoctoral). I was the advisor of 47 PhD and 43 MSc thesis
    • Published more than 880 peer reviewed articles (704 in international peer reviewed journals), 141 book chapters and edited 14 books, 1 registered patent
    • Positions held

    • Free Professorship in Oncology, at USP where later appointed as a Full Professor and Chairman, Department of Head and Neck Surgery
    • Director of Head and Neck Surgery and Otorhinolaryngology Department from 1990 to 2020
    • Director of the Instiituto Nacional de Oncogenomica and Member of the InterCHANGE study (IARC, Lyon, France)
    • President of the Brazilian Head and Neck Surgery Society and of the International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO)


    Brian O’Sullivan

    • Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology and the Department of Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    • Adjunct Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Montreal,
    • Works at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH), a teaching hospital of the University of Toronto, Toronto,
    • Has approximately 600 publications, 475 of which are peer-reviewed, and written or edited more than 12 oncology textbooks
    • Positions held

    • Past President of the Connective Oncology Society (CTOS) and a founding member.
    • Inaugural Bartley-Smith / Wharton Chair in Head and Neck Radiation Oncology at the Princess Margaret Hospital
    • Former Head of both the Sarcoma and H&N Oncology Programs at PMH, and a past radiation oncology Chair of the US NCI Head and Neck Steering Committee.
    • Led the Princess Margaret Hospital – University of Hong Kong / Shenzhen Hospital Radiation Oncology Sanming project in China
    • Strong relationship with IFHNOS, having contributed to numerous teaching programs, evaluation of Fellowship Programs, and participated as travelling faculty on the IFHNOS World Tour
    • Member of the Head and Neck core Committee of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) for the 9th version TNM, and TNM Committee of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), Chair of the UICC Prognostic Factors Sub-Committee and is UICC head and neck cancer.
    • One of three clinicians who are full Commissioners of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurement (ICRU).  


    Jan B. Vermorken

    • Emeritus Professor and Consultant to University Hospital Antwerp (UZA), in Edegem, Belgium
    • Author or co-author of 786 publications, member of various national and international scientific societies and journals
    • Positions held

    • Professor of Oncology at the University of Antwerp (UA)
    • Head of the Department of Medical Oncology at the University Hospital Antwerp (UZA), in Edegem, Belgium
    • Chaired the Head and Neck Cancer Group (2006-2009) of the European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
    • Strongly involved in establishing the Head and Neck Cancer International Group (HNCIG), and presently functioning as advisor
    • Chaired interactive educational courses or masterclasses of the European School of Oncology (ESO) and the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)
    • Editor-in-Chief of Annals of Oncology, chaired Oncotherapie, chief editor of the Head and Neck Cancer section of The Oncologist and the Head and Neck Cancer section of Frontiers in Oncology, editorial chair of ONCOhemato.
    • He devoted a large part of his time to teaching, professional training, and continuing medical education, and a strong believer of intensive interaction between people working in the experimental oncology laboratory and those working in the clinic
    • Awards

    • ESMO award
    • Title of Commander in the Order of Leopold for his contributions to oncology


    Belayat Hossain Siddiquee

    • Professor & Chief, Head & Neck Surgery Division
    • Ex-Chairman, Dept. of ORL-HNS , Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Dhaka, Bangladesh
    • 53 publications in National and International Journals, 3 chapters written in Internationally Published Books
    • Positions held

    • President, Society of Otolaryngologists & Head-Neck Surgeons of Bangladesh (ORL HNSB)
    • Founder President, Bangladesh Society of Head-Neck Surgeons (BSHNS).
    • Founder Vice President- Bangladesh Thyroid Society.
    • Governing council Member, Asian Society of Head Neck Oncology. (ASHNO).
    • Executive Body Member, Asia Pacific Society of Thyroid Surgeons (APTS) International Editorial Board Member of the Springer’s on-line Journal Oral Cancer.
    • Ex-President, Faculty of Otolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery, Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons.
    • Editor, Thyroid Cancer Management Guideline, (formulated considering the local perspective and widely followed in Bangladesh).

Address: IFHNOS, Room C-1067, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY. 10065. Tel.: + 1 212 717 3302

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