World H&N Cancer Day: Report

World Head and Neck Day 2024 Hospital Taiping

Taiping, Malaysia | 26 Jul 2024 to 26 Jul 2024

Name of Host : Dr Avatar Singh

Name of Institution : ORL-HNS Department, Hospital Taiping, Malaysia

URL of Institution :

Brief Summary :

In conjunction with the World Head and Neck Cancer Day on 27th July 2024, an awareness pop-up event was organized by Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Department together with Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Department in Hospital Taiping, Malaysia on 26th July 2024. The goal of this campaign was to spread awareness and expose the public to the cancers of the head and neck region as well as to educate them on early symptoms to facilitate early detection of these cancers. Medical officers and dental officers were available during this event to screen symptoms, highlight awareness and answer questions from the visitors. There were also mini games, quizzes and demonstration of oral and head and neck examination.

Media Coverage :

URL of the event :

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