• Events

    IFHNOS World Tour Program in Prague, Czech Republic

    5-7 October 2016 | Prague, Czech Republic

    The World Tour is intended to spread knowledge in the fields of head and neck surgery, radiotherapy and medical oncology with leading experts traveling the globe to share in their experiences and expertise.
    The program will provide state-of-the-art knowledge and explore the frontiers of head and neck cancer diagnosis and treatment through introductory lectures; intense interactive discussions with regional specialists through case presentations and demonstration of operative techniques through video sessions. Ample opportunity for interaction and communication between the local faculty, attendees and the traveling faculty will be provided.
    Regional leaders in the specialty will join the traveling faculty for each scientific session to permit intellectual exchange and a balanced view with regional variances in current practices in the management of head and neck tumors.
    Each topic will include several vital and provocative issues for discussion. Multidisciplinary involvement will be emphasized, including the importance of adjuvant therapies and outcomes of therapy.
    Issues pertaining to diagnostic work-up, anatomic and functional imaging, biomarkers, and the role of surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and rehabilitation, etc. will be covered where appropriate within the context of the selected topics.
    Main topics will include diagnosis and management of cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, salivary glands, parapharyngeal space, thyroid, paranasal sinuses, skull base, the cutaneous malignancies and metastatic cancer in the head and neck.
    The World Tour is aimed at all physicians involved in head and neck cancer care, including otolaryngologists, oncologists/radiotherapists, maxillofacial and general surgeons.


Address: IFHNOS, Room C-1067, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY. 10065. Tel.: + 1 212 717 3302

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